The benefits of layering baby clothes

If you thought layering was merely for your own wardrobe, you’d be wrong. A super savvy mum recently highlighted to me the broader benefits of the trend and how she was using it on her newborn bub.

I’ve been caught out and about a few times with a tiny bub and no spare outfit – usually because I thought I would throw caution to the wind and travel light. The first time, though, it was me who needed layers. I was the target of a nappy explosion while breast feeding in a little room during a Christmas work lunch. On the positive side, nothing rattles you once you’ve been covered in someone else’s poo. However, it was a tough lesson in layering my own clothing so I always had something ‘spare’ on.

Numerous other times have seen bub projectile vomiting on herself or a dodgy nappy (or dodgy nappy adhesive) resulting in a mess. Small babies can’t regulate their own body temperature, either, meaning they fluctuate between hot and cranky or cold and cranky pretty quickly. Layering means you can add or remove heat as required.

Layering can also be a good idea in the cot, since no one likes to be changing dirty sheets in the middle of the night. I have my cot and toddler bed layered with a mattress protector and sheet then another mattress protector and sheet. If one gets dirty, it’s quickly sorted and everyone can get back to sleep.
