Walk for prems raises over $470,000 for preterm babies

Walk for prems raises over $470,000 for preterm babies

Walk for Prems 2021 Reading Walk for prems raises over $470,000 for preterm babies 2 minutes Next Baby in NICU? Here’s some handy advice

On October 24th this year, hundreds of Australians tied up their walking shoes to raise funds for sick and premature babies. This is the 12th year that the Walk for Prems fundraiser has taken place, with the number of participants only growing with each year that passes.

 Despite COVID-19 restrictions in some states, supporters of the cause still participated in the walk virtually. Whether they walked in a team, flew solo or sponsored a friend, the mass turnout highlighted the importance of the cause at hand.

 The resulting amount was raised by 646 fundraisers, with over 3402 donations. Donations are still rolling in, even though the walk itself has concluded. Here’s a breakdown of what each donation can provide to a preterm baby and their families:


Provides a fuel voucher to enable families to travel to be with their baby in the hospital.


Provides Precious Prem packs for premature twins, giving their family emotional and educational support in hospital.


Pays the food costs for a NICU Connections morning tea event in hospital.


Provides a family in crisis with practical support, such as food and accommodation vouchers during their hospital stay.

 All other merchandise and purchases go directly to the charity hosting the walk, Life’s Little Treasures. This includes clothes, books, toys, drink bottles and so on. Given that there are 27,000 premature babies born each year, an event like this is much needed to raise awareness and funds for the effected babies and families.

 If you’re interested in donating, you can follow this link:
