Earlybirds chats to illustrator Daniella Germain

Earlybirds chats to illustrator Daniella Germain

Earlier this month we were delighted to interview the incredibly talented textile designer behind our newest Earlybirds print, Daniella Germain

Daniella’s beautiful illustrations and graphic designs can be spotted across an expansive array of books, magazine editorials, websites, packaging, ceramics, fabrics and more. She has been commissioned by many well known brands including Country Style Magazine, Target and Adairs.

We hope you love our chat (and our sweet new print) as much as we do!  

Hi Daniella! Tell us a little about yourself - where are you living, who is in your family?
Hi! I live in the leafy ‘burb of Macleod in Melbourne’s north east with my 7 year old son, 2 dogs and a cat! It’s a bit crazy sometimes, but I like the company. 

Have you always been in the design world?
No. I studied psychology straight out of school and worked in behaviour research for 10 years before taking a leap of faith and changing career. I studied Communication Design at RMIT and fell into illustrating/textile design once I graduated.

Did you love to draw as a child?
Yes. Always! I have memories of sitting in my high chair as a toddler drawing with mum’s biros. And always loved to draw/paint all throughout my childhood and teenage years. 

Do you think your little one has inherited any of your creativity and talent? 
100%. Actually, more so. He is very good! I know I am biased, but I watch him draw sometimes and am amazed at how he is developing so quickly. He’s a natural. I hope he continues to enjoy it like his mumma!

How do you describe your illustration style?
Varied! It depends who and/or what I am illustrating for. Sometimes I create very detailed illustrations - sometimes by hand, sometimes digitally. Sometimes I create washy watercolours by hand, sometimes I like to draw in a naive way in bright colours. I actually am inspired by my sons free form drawing. I’d like to draw like him more! So I don’t really think I have an illustration style as such. Maybe others would disagree! I’m not sure.

When you're not designing and illustrating, what are you doing?  
I’m usually in the garden trying to keep it under control, or playing with clay. I’m a novice potter and would love to have more time to do that.

Tell us about the recent work you have done for Earlybirds. What was the inspiration behind your designs?
I created a very sweet little chick print for Earlybirds. It’s very different illustrating for tiny little garments to go on newborns as opposed to bigger kids! The inspiration for this design was really just the sweet beginnings of life. Little round fluffy chicks and new seedlings! 

Earlybirds new bird design

Talk us through the process of bringing your illustrations to life? What is your favourite part?
Sometimes I just randomly come up with ideas, or draw/paint what I’m in the mood to do. But when working for a client there is a lot more involved. Researching, sketching, experimenting with the style and finally creating the final illustration. If I’m drawing birds or animals the eyes are my favourite bit. I usually do them first so they have their personality developed before I’ve really begun. 

What piece of your work are you most proud of?
I’ve recently started working for Adairs. I have long admired the beautiful work that the company does and dreamt of working with their design team. Lucky for me I nabbed a job there last year. I’m actually pretty proud of everything I’ve created for them so far! Being surrounded by such creative and talented people and realising that I have a place there has made me pretty damn proud to be working for them. 

What has been your design career highlight so far? 
Having my illustrated Mexican Cookbook (My Abuela’s Table) published at the start of my career (11 years ago now!).  I felt very proud to have created something so early on in my career that people loved and actually bought! It was certainly affirming that my career change was the right thing to do and it kick started everything for me.

You never leave home without?
I hate to say it, but, my phone. It’s annoying to be so reliant on it, but heck it makes life so much easier! And I like being able to take photos anytime if something inspires me.

How did you spend Mother’s Day this month?
My day started with pancakes with my kiddo, then we spent the day with a couple of my mum friends and their kids. There may have been a couple of glasses of champagne in there too!

What’s your best quality as a mother?
That’s definitely a difficult one to answer myself so I asked my son. He says my best quality as a mum is that “I am nice to him when he is having a hard time”. What a cutie.

What’s the hardest thing about being a mum?
Knowing your heart is out there walking around outside of your chest and you have to let them grow and experience things without being wrapped in bubble wrap. It’s the Catch 22 of being a mum. 

What’s the best thing about being a mum?
Watching him grow and become his own little person that I am very proud of. Every day.

What are you looking forward to?
A holiday up in Queensland in September with Henry. So looking forward to some warm weather!

If you could only draw one animal or object for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
Birds. Cliche but they are so beautiful and with so much personality. 

Thank you Daniella for your time, your generous responses to our questions and for creating such a cute new bird print for us! 

The new Earlybirds print is currently available in Baby Bunting stores Australia wide and is coming to our online store soon! Follow us on Instagram to be the first to know when you can shop it online.