Interview & Giveaway with twin mum Mandy

Interview & Giveaway with twin mum Mandy

Celebrating Multiple Birth Awareness Week

Parenting multiples is an extraordinary journey and one that twin mum Amanda knows all too well. Between chasing after her three energetic boys and embracing the joys and challenges of raising twins, Mandy also finds time to pursue her passion for painting through her business Amanda Elise Creations.

To celebrate Multiple Birth Awareness Week, we’re thrilled to showcase Mandy’s story and give away a stunning custom original painting commissioned by Earlybirds and painted by Mandy. Inspired by the spirit of an 'Early Bird', Mandy has beautifully captured this essence in the form of a baby kookaburra ~ cute, cheeky, and determined which describe little fighters everywhere.

In this interview, Mandy shares her experiences of pregnancy, NICU and the early days of caring for her fraternal twins and their toddler sibling. She also offers heartfelt advice which is helpful for all new and expecting parents.

Read on to hear Mandy’s inspiring journey and don’t forget to enter our giveaway for a chance to win her exclusive artwork!

Your story

Can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your twin journey?
I’m Amanda and I currently have three gorgeous boys my oldest is 8 and my fraternal twin boys are now 6. I conceived my twins naturally and my husband knew it was twins before I even did! I was feeling so sick but I was unwell with my first so thought it was the same again, but he said no you are much more sick and was making jokes about it. The morning before we went for our 9 week scan we just happened to watch the episode of friends when Monica and Chandler find out they have twins. It still wasn’t even on my mind. There are few moments in your life when you are in genuine shock. This was it. But so happy! 

Were your twins born prematurely? If so, how early were they, and what was that experience like?
My twins were born at 36 weeks. They were so tiny but so healthy. One of them needed 3 days in NICU but we had them both in there together which I thought was really nice they had each other. It was a very positive experience because of the kind encouraging nurses and I could still hold them and breastfeed them. 

Pregnancy & Birth

How did you feel when you found out you were expecting twins?
It felt like an out of body experience when I found out! And the obstetrician was so excited and called her nurse in to see and said it’s my first twins for the year! I am overdue for a set of twins! Her excitement was nice. My husband had a joke ready as like I mentioned he knew before me. Meanwhile I am laying there in complete shock. She explained the differences in the types of twins and what she could see we had. And the safety precautions to take and that this pregnancy would be more check ups than with my single. 

Did you have any complications during pregnancy, or was there an early indication that they might arrive prematurely?
I had experienced vomiting and nausea the whole pregnancy and really struggled to keep up with my 1 year old. I learnt quickly to accept any offers of help and am so thankful for my mum and mother in law helping so much during that time. A lot of days it was really hard to get out of bed with the nausea. The hormones are literally doubled and I felt it! I was let know that it would be likely they would arrive early and towards the end just taking it day by day till it was time for them to come out based on their health and mine.

What was the biggest challenge you faced during their birth and the early days in the hospital?
For me the challenge was not so much the birth - it was a planned c section. It was more the days in the lead up when everyday was such a struggle. I just wanted them out but knew everyday in was an opportunity for them to be growing stronger.

NICU & Early Days at Home

What was the NICU experience like for you?
NICU experience was really good. But I found it really hard having them in a different space away from me and would visit as much as I could. The nurses were amazing and so kind but emotionally it was hard having the distance.

How did you manage feeding, bonding, and skin-to-skin contact with two premature babies?
I was able to hold them when I wanted so skin to skin bonding was good for me. I had a great milk supply (praise God) and because I had breastfed my first I felt okay going into feeding but feeding TWO babies was a whole new experience! It was a lot of work to see what positions and techniques worked for me.

Were there any essential items or clothing that made life easier for your tiny twins?
I wasn’t prepared for how small they would be and didn’t have clothes small enough so everything swam on them bless their hearts. Wish I had Early birds back then. I would’ve been set. Something that was a huge help for when they got a bit bigger was the Twin Z pillow from Things For Twins. It was amazing! 

Dressing Premature Twins

Did you struggle to find clothes that fit your premature babies?
Yes I really struggled to find clothes to fit. The normal places I went to for my first just didn’t have anything small enough. 

What were the most important features you looked for in clothing for them? (E.g., soft fabrics, easy access for medical tubes, size, etc.)
Soft fabrics and not too fidgety to put on and off. No buttons thanks. 

Do you have any advice for parents looking for suitable clothing for their premature multiples?
I wish I'd known where to find supplies for such small babies. It’s not just clothing that’s not always going to be suitable for little ones too. Dummies and bottles there’s lots of things you need.

Twin Mum Life & Advice

How did you balance caring for two premature babies and an older sibling while also looking after yourself?
I managed by removing any sense of pride and “no I’ve got this” attitude and accepted any and all offers of help that came my way! It’s not a time to try and prove yourself as a super mum who is fine managing it all. it’s a time to accept the help and care others have to offer. And also not being to prideful to ask for help. people want to help. Remind yourself that. Especially food get people to bring food! There’s no time for shopping and cooking. 

What support systems helped you the most during the early months?
My parents and beautiful husband were amazing. Also making the decision to have a nanny come a three days a week was a game changer. I needed all the hands I could get. 

What advice would you give to other parents expecting twins, especially if they might arrive early?
My advice would be to take everything one day at a time. And be kind to yourself. Lower your expectations on what you can achieve in a day and take the time to be in the moment and focus on the beautiful blessings you have, and like a said earlier ask for help and be specific with what would actually help. Sometimes you might just want to have a shower in peace or sometimes you may want to just be with your babies and have someone prep dinner or do a load of washing. No person is an island we need a village. My local church I attended was so helpful by sending out a meal roster so I had someone dropping by a home made meal each night. And joining your local multiple mums group is so helpfully talking to other mums in the same journey.

Celebrating Multiple Birth Awareness Week

What do you love most about being a twin mum?
I love how special it is. People are so excited when they see twins and often want to stop and chat. You will often get the same questions over and over again but I love seeing the smiles.

Why do you think Multiple Birth Awareness Week is important for families like yours?
I think it’s really helpful as having multiples is so very different to one. Logistically there’s so much more to thinking about that people often don’t realise. So the more awareness the better.

Win an exclusive original artwork by Amanda Elise Creations

For your chance to win this adorable watercolour artwork, simply be following @earlybirdsbaby and @amandaelisecreations on Instagram and like our giveaway post! Entries close 31 March 2025.